I got back from vacation last week and hit the ground running! After work on Friday, I had dinner with a friend, met up with the group for drinks, and then saw Diane Coffee at Bunk Bar. Saturday night was spent with some good ole fashioned family fun at the bowling alley! I made the decision not to bowl so I wouldn’t throw my rib out again, but it was awesome hanging with some of my favorites and watching Caitlin get bowling advice from a 6 year old! Caitlin and I then went to see the Cave Singers Sunday night at Doug Fir, a band we saw in Astoria almost a year ago. So so so amazing!

I took my second yoga class since my rib on Saturday with Jessica at Flex & Flow. Man did it kick my butt! I still didn’t do everything I normally would have (as in, I did take every vinyasa, but didn’t add in any arm balances or inversions to them), but I did decide to play a bit with handstand afterward! I don’t know if I should have or not, and I felt pretty weak up there, but it made my soul oh-so-happy! The rest of the week with yoga was great! I was able to walk again (hah) and have continued to return to my practice more and more each day!

My badass bootcamp bitch / #yogawithfriends partner in crime Jamie ran AND FINISHED the Orcas 100 race this weekend! Basically she ran for 29+ hours, through intense muddy and mountainous terrain with 26,000′ vert, for a grand total of 100.8 miles. Dayum is she inspiring!

The event at Flex & Flow I’ve been working on for a few weeks happened last night, and it was so much fun! We figured what could possibly make sweating with an awesome group of people any better? WINE! So we coordinated with the wine bar next door to the studio to go over there with our group from bootcamp. Knowing that we’re definitely not the only ones that love to get our Sip ‘n’ Sweat on, we turned it into a virtual date for the whole of the Sweat Pink community too! We laughed, we cried sweated, we toasted. All in all, a wonderful evening with a wonderful group of people!

We’ve had some amazing weather this week in Portland. It’s got to get cold and rainy again, for sure, but for now I know I’m definitely enjoying the hint of springtime. It’s been great to be able to get out running in it for the first time since my rib! I even went out running in a tank top the other day! Building pace and miles back up has been going well in the first few runs back, so hopefully I can keep trucking along and be ready to hit the trails when they dry up a bit and get back to attempting to keep up with Jamie soon.