breathe, sweat, love

breathe, sweat, love

Three pretty standard words, concepts, actions when you first think about it. And yet they are all absolute musts in my life! Lucky for me, they mostly come as a set, too! I’m rarely out sweating without paying attention to my breath (thank you, yoga) and loving what I’m doing anymore. Even if it’s an intense workout, like at bootcamp with Jamie, we’re laughing (as we’re crying, but luckily the tears are usually masked by sweat 😉 ) and having fun together.

I had my years of half-assing my workout at the gym for the sake of getting a workout in. It’s not worth it anymore. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Literally, I’m so ridiculously busy that when I make time for a workout, I have to make sure I make it worth it! My spin instructor Jessi makes a point of telling us at the peak of the class when we’re all drenched in sweat, questioning why we not only came to class but paid a good amount of money for it, mentally spewing creative combinations of four-letter words at her, that we made the decision to be there. We scheduled 45 minutes out of our day, which is really not all that much, for spin class. Why take the time and spend the money to half-ass it? Why walk out of the studio knowing you didn’t give it your all? (Note: I’m in no way condoning pushing through injuries and limitations. Listen to your body. No throwing up or passing out or injuring yourself.) Hence, Jessi’s classes have an insane wait list, she owns two spin studios and I’ve heard rumors of a third coming soon, and she’s touted as one of the most inspirational fitness instructors out there by her fans. (Obviously I have a hardcore girl crush on her! She’s been my #wcw many times.) 

I like to remind my students of the same thing in my power vinyasa classes. We take the time for yoga, gym time, running, tennis matches, and any other conceivable activity. Why spend the time out of your busy schedule and the money from a hard-earned paycheck to not love what you’re doing and give 110%?! Not loving your workout regimen? Find a buddy, try different teachers and studios, get outside, pair your treadmill time with your favorite show… Work it out so that you can love the time you’re breathing and sweating! 

Puppy snuggles always help make bootcamp awesome!
Get excited about exploring a new trail in a new area!
Plan a workout date with friends!

This was all inspired by three little words: breathe, sweat, and love. Get your own #breathesweatlove Sweat Pink tank here, and get 15% off by using the code breathesweatlove15

Disclaimer: I was given a tank by Sweat Pink. All opinions expressed are my own. 

Original posting.

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