Totally forgot to publish this on Friday. Woops! My first Friday Favorites will just have to be a #SundayFunday recap!
Who doesn’t love talking about things they love?! This idea of summing up the week with 5 awesome things is just amazing! Here we go…

For the last ten days I was in Park City, UT with my dad. He just retired two weeks ago and in celebration is going on two 3-week ski trips and then to the beach for three months with my mom! Yeah, he’s pretty stoked on life right now. So it was back to Utah for the first time in probably 10 years. I grew up skiing at Snowbird, so this was familiar in so many ways, and yet awesome to be exploring a new ski town and mountain! We didn’t have any powder dumps while we were there, but enjoyed the adventure of finding good snow, getting back into (ski) shape, getting new boots (waaaaay overdue! Mine were 12 years old and disintegrating!), and finding our groove in a new ski town. It’s amazing how even though I’d never been there before, I fell right back into that lifestyle! It was a great “homecoming!”

A great example of why social media rocks. I posted a picture from the Salt Lake City airport before boarding. Becky, my co-worker at Sweat Pink, saw it and commented that she too was at SLC. We were both preparing to board our separate flights, and thought we wouldn’t have time to meet up. As I was standing in the boarding line, she was walking back to her gate and spotted me. Keep in mind, we’ve never met in person before. OMG the amazingness of this!

I was pretty nervous about this ski trip, due to being injured only the week before. Luckily my amazing chiropractor got me mostly patched back together just in time! After weeks of self-care, aka laying prone in my pillow fort on the couch, I was stoked but nervous to get back on the hill! I eased into it, or as much as I’m capable of easing into things, and was surprised at how well I did! I even went to a yoga class while I was there (Christa at Tadasana Yoga Studio is awesome!)! I did attempt a handstand, though didn’t push it. The wall was funky and the sky was blue, so I couldn’t resist. But it didn’t feel super awesome, so I haven’t attempted again since. I’m pretty sore and ready to see my chiropractor for a session, but am so excited to be getting back to normal!

While away on vacation, my good friend gave birth to her little baby girl, JG! I can’t wait to get some baby snuggles in! I love being an auntie!

Not only did I get to ski a bunch with my dad last week, but I got to return to skinning frequently! It started as a substitute for running or the gym in the winter, but this activity quickly became one of my all-time favorite things! Dripping sweat, huffing and puffing, legs feeling like lead, sometimes having to get up in the pitch dark and cold, it’s all worth it! It’s truly moving meditation for me!
Happy weekend, y’all!