Happy feet, not just for penguins

One of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite shows, Modern Family, demonstrates Gloria discovering the wonders of comfortable feet. After insisting on wearing 5″ heels to Disney World for the day, her husband Jay ends up forcing her to try on some comfy slippers instead. Her demeanor instantly changes from irritated to affectionate….

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New PR: Best run streak of my life!

I PR’ed last week. No, I didn’t win a race. Or run the fastest mile. Or run a marathon. But I ran 35 miles last week! Since leaving for North Carolina in June, my distance has taken a hit. The heat and the humidity of summer in the South interrupted the increase in distance for…

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California Dreamin’

Until recently, I’d only been to California twice. Once in college for a field hockey tournament in Santa Barbara, and another weekend in San Diego when I was debating where to move after Colorado. And yes, there were those two trips to LA for BlogFest. Except for one afternoon in Santa Monica, both trips were…

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