The summer free-for-all is over

Summer is a time of healthy living: sunshine, sweaty activities, outdoor adventures, fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s also a time of living it up, of saying “yes,” of kicking habits off to the wayside. There’s been a lot of disruptions to my routine this summer. Friends visiting, seeing someone in town for just the summer,…

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New year, schmew year

There is something special about welcoming in a new year. However, I always expect it to be a little more glamorous than it turns out to be… There was quite the celebration last year that I missed out on. While I was at home on the couch getting ridiculously sick, my friends were out dancing in…

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Happy feet, not just for penguins

One of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite shows, Modern Family, demonstrates Gloria discovering the wonders of comfortable feet. After insisting on wearing 5″ heels to Disney World for the day, her husband Jay ends up forcing her to try on some comfy slippers instead. Her demeanor instantly changes from irritated to affectionate….

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Feel amazing, feel beautiful, be beautiful

Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. – Sophia Loren The best way to “be” beautiful is to feel beautiful. It doesn’t come from owning the Tiffany heart necklace, wearing foundation, having a boyfriend, or being born with symmetrical facial features. It comes from confidence, self worth, and happiness….

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Happy belly, happy life

Health is one of those things we definitely take for granted. Whether it’s injury or illness, it’s never fun when something takes us out of the game. I was sick for about a year and a half in high school. Fall of my sophomore year in 2005 I somehow got a bacteria called H. pylori. A…

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Goodbye summer, hello fall

I love fall. Beautiful foliage, blue skies, that crisp in the air. Boots and sweaters. I’m from a place famous for fall (Blue Ridge Mountains, anyone?). Fall in Breckenridge was hard for me. Undeniably beautiful… … but incredibly short lived. Fully “bloomed” aspens usually only lasted a week, maybe two. And then bare trees and…

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