Today we’re talking about workout buddies and our favorite partner exercises with BOSU and Fit Approach. And how appropriate that it’s also #womancrushwednesday! I girl-crush on these sweaty ladies so hard!
As much as I do usually like to work out solo, there are so many fun exercises to do with a friend! I love my group at bootcamp with Jamie and Tasha! We all sweat, run, lift, burpee, and crunch together! It definitely helps to get through the burn-inducing moves by motivating each other.
Of course I always love a good yoga pose picture with friends, whether it’s after bootcamp or a yoga class or out hiking…
What I love about working out with buddies is that you can do exercises together OR be exercising together. Sometimes it’s helpful to have someone push you, motivate you, high five you while you’re “playing” in plank. Sometimes it’s awesome just to have company alongside you.

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by BOSU. I truly appreciate all of the brands that support the Sweat Pink community.