Home is where you lay your head at night

The past months have been B-A-N-A-N-A-S! When you travel a lot, whether for work, pleasure, or necessity, you start calling wherever you’re going to sleep that night “home.” For me this summer, I said “home” a lot. Home the beach where my parents are. Home Asheville, my hometown where my childhood house is. Home Portland….

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Purge, detox, cleanse, sparkle.

To some of us, the eclipse a few weeks ago was a moment of slight darkness and insane traffic on an average Monday. To some, it was a magical celestial moment that we organized our day, even our summer vacations, around. To others, it signaled a time of reset and reflection. I saw my favorite massage…

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Goodbye summer, hello fall

I love fall. Beautiful foliage, blue skies, that crisp in the air. Boots and sweaters. I’m from a place famous for fall (Blue Ridge Mountains, anyone?). Fall in Breckenridge was hard for me. Undeniably beautiful… … but incredibly short lived. Fully “bloomed” aspens usually only lasted a week, maybe two. And then bare trees and…

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California Dreamin’

Until recently, I’d only been to California twice. Once in college for a field hockey tournament in Santa Barbara, and another weekend in San Diego when I was debating where to move after Colorado. And yes, there were those two trips to LA for BlogFest. Except for one afternoon in Santa Monica, both trips were…

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Only Child Syndrome, the run edition

One of the best parts of being an only child is that I learned to LOVE my alone time and doing things by myself. I do love being around people and doing things with my friends, don’t get me wrong. But I love quietly curling up with a book, not having to fight over what…

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This Summer’s Lineup!

We have so many amazing things on the horizon! It’s obvious we have so much fun, and somehow do it while sweating our faces off. Join in on all the fun things with us! FFY HIIT YOGA TEACHER TRAINING At the end of the month we’re leading our very first HIIT Yoga teacher training at…

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Fitcations are THE thing!

What is a a fitcation? It’s a fitness vacation! What is a fitness vacation? I will say this could be confusing as every trip and vacation involves activities in some capacity for me. But a fitcation is a vacation centered around an activity. Surfing in Costa Rica, skiing in Colorado, tango in Buenos Aires, and…

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Ready to sprung for spring? #spring4prana

Spring has not quite sprung, yet. And I’m ok with it! I grew up in a place with four very distinct seasons, and I loved it. But after years in Colorado with bonus months of winter in lieu of a traditional spring season, aka spring skiing, I’m not quite ready for spring. In Breckenridge, March is…

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2016 actually was pretty great…

We’ve talked about 2017, why I’m excited, what I’m working toward, how I’m getting empowered for an awesome year! Even though I talked about how weird / unusual / scary 2016 kind of was, there were some really great moments and some really amazing things that happened! Let’s revisit, shall we? I kicked off the New…

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