I love fall. Beautiful foliage, blue skies, that crisp in the air. Boots and sweaters. I’m from a place famous for fall (Blue Ridge Mountains, anyone?). Fall in Breckenridge was hard for me. Undeniably beautiful…

… but incredibly short lived. Fully “bloomed” aspens usually only lasted a week, maybe two. And then bare trees and snow flurries desperately attempting to build a base for ski season, which could last until June.
I love being back in a place where fall is actually a real season. It’s a gradual transition to winter in Portland, something we’re very much grateful for as winter can be extremely difficult.
We’re talking hitting the fall reset button all over the place right now!
Normally, this is a great idea. But for me especially right now I’m craving the reset. This summer has been unlike any other and I’ve been gone more often than I’ve been home, even though I’ve been “home” in North Carolina a lot. I’m so excited to be getting back to Portland this week and implementing some new habits!
Detox to Retox
Summer is all white wine and fresh fruits at the beach.Gimme those hot toddies and steaks with truffle potatoes at the ski lodge all winter long.
A Sparkling Detox is the perfect way to transition from summer into fall and winter! And this week is all about the bubbles… Join me and Gerolsteiner this week by switching out all of your beverages with Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water. And that’s it! You can tune into the Facebook group to get some great nutrition and fitness tips, too. But other than that, it’s the easiest detox ever with great results. What other detox have you heard of that you can have chocolate cake?
Back to School Shopping
Just because I’m not a student anymore doesn’t mean I don’t want some new threads for fall! Do the kids even say “threads” anymore?… It’s time for prAna‘s new fall line to launch and we’re so excited about it!
I love cute yoga tops for their versatility! I can wear them to yoga and out hiking. And then I can wear them with leggings or jeans out to happy hour! I’ve already gotten tons of compliments on my Filament Tank from prAna, and it’s now one of my favorites I’ve caught myself wearing way too many times between washes.
Jeans are ridiculously hard for me to find. I’m short with a small waist but muscular butt and thighs. It’s a great excuse to either spend way too much on jeans or just always wear leggings. prAna to the rescue yet again! The Jenna Pant not only fits, but has been a huge hit! I’ve worn them an embarrassing number of times already and I get compliments on them every time!
Wanna get some special “back to school” clothes, too? Use the code FALY15 to get 15% off prAna!
Feeling Amazing
One thing that always takes a hit when you’re traveling or even just really busy is your diet. I love starting my day with breakfast; I always have to eat pretty much right when I wake up. I also tend to get into a habit of eating the same thing every morning until I find something new, get sick of it, or have to adjust because I’m not home. I’m not necessarily tired of my breakfast du jour (can you ever really get sick of coconut yogurt, frozen blueberries, banana, and chocolate chips?), but I am ready to mix it up.
I’ve gotten off the smoothie and overnight oats train, and I need to get back on. I can’t wait to try Amazing Grass’s new Elixirs! They are full of adaptogens. Adaptogens:
- help with cognitive health and mental clarity for your brain
- help optimize gut health for your belly
- support radiant hair, skin and nails
They’re easy to add them to a smoothie or even just water for an instant boost! The new Elixirs come in three varieties Beauty (hibiscus), Brain (matcha), and Belly (turmeric).
All week long I’m detoxing with Gerolsteiner. After the Detox is over, I so excited to sip on Amazing Grass’s new Effervescents! Drop one dissolvable Green Superfood tablet into a glass of water and the organic alkalizing greens blend will give me a dose of greens that is clean energy and helps support my immune system (which is obviously a huge priority right now with my dad’s compromised immune system).
Get 40% off Amazing Grass products using the code SweatPink2017 at checkout.
Empower Vancouver
I love mixing things up with a trip. When I’m feeling in a rut, getting out of town is the perfect way to come back to my life feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, restored. I’ve been traveling my butt off this summer, so I’m definitely ready to be a homebody for a little while. But for those of you hankering to escape, check out our EMPOWER Retreat Vancouver with Lorna Jane! We only have TWO SPOTS LEFT! So make sure you sign up now (it’s only $200 for a weekend pass!) to get your spot for this amazing influencer retreat!
Disclaimer: I was sent product by Gerolsteiner, prAna, and Amazing Grass. All opinions are my own. I truly appreciate the brands that support the Sweat Pink community!
Okay, you’ve convinced me. I’m looking forward to fall a little more now ;-). That prAna outfit, though! I think I need that top in my life.
You totally do! It would look so cute on you!
Fall is my favorite season! Also, that prana outfit is cute. Love prana!
YES, I so love fall! Thanks, yeah prAna is the best! So cute!
I’m definitely looking forward to fall, I love the cool, crisp air verus sweating and baking in the sun. 🙂
Cool, crisp air with warm sun is my fave combo! (And that means you can still wear shorts, which I know you love! hehe)
Yes, Sister!!! ALL about the newness of Fall and cute clothes!!
Wearing booties and sweater layers right NOW! Love it! xoxo