The summer free-for-all is over

Summer is a time of healthy living: sunshine, sweaty activities, outdoor adventures, fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s also a time of living it up, of saying “yes,” of kicking habits off to the wayside. There’s been a lot of disruptions to my routine this summer. Friends visiting, seeing someone in town for just the summer,…

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3 ways to sparkle while (and after) traveling

And here I thought summer couldn’t get any crazier. Last year was the epitome of unusual. I was back and forth to North Carolina all summer long for my dad’s transplant. We were in Vegas for BlogFest, roadtripped to California for the EMPOWER race. I also went to Rochester, NY, Seattle, WA, and Asheville, NC,…

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Home is where you lay your head at night

The past months have been B-A-N-A-N-A-S! When you travel a lot, whether for work, pleasure, or necessity, you start calling wherever you’re going to sleep that night “home.” For me this summer, I said “home” a lot. Home the beach where my parents are. Home Asheville, my hometown where my childhood house is. Home Portland….

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Keep Calm and Sparkle On

Gerolsteiner’s Sparkling Detox starts today! From September 12-16, Gerolsteiner is challenging us to drink only their sparkling mineral water. This challenge couldn’t come at a more perfect time. Things have never been busier. “Crazy!” is not a new response from me to the question “How are things?” This I know. But seriously things are at…

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Sparkling While Detoxing! #SparklingDetox

We’re already changing seasons up here in Portland. We’ll still have some steamy, sunny summer days, for sure. It’s currently 90 and sunny, but just 2 weeks ago I was bundled up in a sweater and scarf watching a steady drizzle come down outside the coffee shop. Season changes and fickle weather is exhausting. Changing…

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