Today is Flex & Flow’s 2 year anniversary! It’s hard to imagine that two years have gone by so quickly. And so sweatily. It’s hard to imagine it’s actually 2018.
Yesterday I talked about some of the more difficult things that 2017 had in store for us. I had fully intended to include a couple of bullet points of the better moments to balance the it out. But I realized that there were actually quite a lot of great moments I did indeed want to remember and for which to feel gratitude.
Join me on a little walk down memory lane.
January 4, 2017: With balloons and sweat, we celebrated our first year at Flex & Flow. It’s hard to believe that this place and my tribe haven’t always been there.
Snow took over the city! I skied through the city streets and road a sledski for the first time.
January 21, 2017: Women’s March, Portland, OR
This was the year I tried and fell in love with boxing! It gave me an amazing outlet for all of the anxiety surrounding my dad’s diagnosis and treatment.
February 11, 2017: We’d planned a family ski trip to British Columbia for last year, but it was cancelled as this was the week my dad started his chemo treatment. So my parents sent me home back to Breckenridge for some quality time with my mountains, my skis, and my loves.
February 20, 2017: Our crew when to Bend for a winter wonderland weekend!
February 24, 2017: Normally this wouldn’t be such a big deal, but this was the last time I actually got my haircut. There’s no real reason. I haven’t purposefully grown my hair out or anything. But now my shortest layers are as long as the longest layers after my last cut.
March 7, 2017: Jamie, Nic, Abbie, and I roadtripped down to California for our Empower Sonoma retreat. We had ourselves a little pre-retreat retreat with wine and trail running in Ashland, OR, and more wine and trail running in Rocklin, CA.
March 12, 2017: Our very first Sweat Pink retreat was aaaaaamazing!
April 6, 2017: I had the best birthday this year! I got snuggle-attacked at my yoga class in the morning, and had pretty much every single person in Portland that I love at my get-together that night. So much love!
We led not one but two HIIT & Flow teacher trainings at Flex & Flow this year. Man oh man, what inspiring but sweaty weekends!
June 10, 2017: The crew joined us out in Hood River for Outfound Festival!
June 15, 2017: The crew had the BEST going away dinner party for me before I left for 5 weeks for my dad’s transplant.
Two of my oldest friends got married this year!
June 18, 2017: My dad received his bone marrow transplant at UNC-Chapel Hill. This marked a period where I spent more time in Chapel Hill than I have since I graduated. As great (yet nostalgic) as it felt to be back on my old stomping grounds, the reason for it obviously wasn’t. I’m so so so grateful to the amazing staff at the UNC hospitals, especially in the BMTU. Thank you for working to prolong the time I have with my dad and believing in him as much as I do!
When we weren’t in Chapel Hill with my dad, we were home at the beach moving and preparing the house for my dad’s return home. It was an incredibly emotional time, but I’m so glad I was able to be home to help my mom, support my dad, and just be with family.
July 19, 2017: BlogFest, Las Vegas, NV
July 30, 2017: Caitlin and I made the drive to hike in Mt Rainier National Forest. And it was glorious.
August, 2, 2017: This time before our EMPOWER Race Series in SF, we enjoyed our pre-retreat retreat at Lake Tahoe. It was my first time and I absolutely fell in love!
August 4, 2017: EMPOWER Race Series, San Francisco, CA
August 6, 2017: We stayed in SF for a couple of days for a post-event retreat. After hearing about how amazing San Fransisco is and having so many friends that have lived there, I can officially say I now understand why so many people think it’s the best city.
August 17, 2017: Bryce came out with us to see Sylvan Esso!
August 19, 2017: Literally one of the best runs of my life was one of our race training runs around Timothy Lake. 11 miles of gently rolling single track with amazing views and an amazing crew.
August 26, 2017: I went back to the beach to celebrate my dad‘s birthday. Which also included his first sips of wine since January! Quite the celebration it was!
September 23, 2017: Mollala Trail Series Half Marathon – My first half marathon race since 2010, and my first trail race ever!
Jamie announces she’s pregnant!
And Alyse!
And Tasha!
October 31, 2017: Nicci brought this cat head into our lives.
November 24, 2017: We had not one, but two amazing Friendsgiving celebrations.
December 9, 2017: We bid adieu to Kelsey and Andrew as they set off on their year of world travel.
December 25, 2017: Home to NC for the holidays.
Plus we did all the yoga, dance parties, and yoga pictures…

Friend hangouts…
One of my best friends in Colorado got engaged and the other bought a house with her boyfriend. Woah adulting!
Caitlin and I take to Insta Stories. And start and finish Game of Thrones.
And these are only the highlights! There are more weddings and babies, so many fond memories and funny moments, so many runs and yoga classes. As difficult as things can get, I love going through the highlight reel and remembering that I am truly lucky.
Hahah, Bryce made the cut!
His joining us out one night was definitely highlight-worthy! 😉
Such an awesome and exceptional year you had, Liz! I’ve enjoyed reading about your experiences. Hope 2018 will be even better and more prosperous!